
Liftero has secured a contract from the ESA under the ARTES programme to develop advanced resistojet propulsion for large telecommunication and navigation satellites.

As the prime contractor, Liftero will manage the entire project.

Collaborating with OHB Sweden and other industry partners, Liftero’s task is to build a high-thrust auxiliary thruster that can run on Xenon – a staple propellant for large electric propulsion systems. The thruster is needed to fully electrify large satellites and eliminate the need for toxic propulsion.

ESA trusts Liftero technology to power the next-generation navigation and telecommunications satellites.

By selecting Liftero for this project, ESA shows their confidence in the company’s experience and excellent facilities, which prove Liftero can provide advanced propulsion solutions.

It’s time for toxic chemical propulsion to be replaced by greener, more efficient technology.

The replacement of old chemical propulsion systems using toxic propellants like hydrazine is long overdue. While these systems offered great performance in the past, today’s needs have changed. The market is now shifting towards electric propulsion or green chemical propulsion.

Liftero, for example, provides green chemical propulsion for small satellites that can achieve similar performance at a fraction of the cost (learn more).

For more information about this technology and its applications, please contact contact@liftero.com.